Episode Eight - Mums Who Want More
Clearing out the old to welcome in the new
What I talk about in this episode:
I am going to talk about clearing out the old to welcome in the new. This episode links a little closer to Episode 2 and in most recent, Episode 7.
Ladies, we need to make space for the new. For the life we want. And we need to feel like we have it now.
Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Episode 2
Assess where you are.
Identify where you want to go.
Start with one thing that you can consistently do every day and do it.
Episode 7
Start clearing out what no longer serves you.
Identify what you really want so you know what to keep and what to reduce or delete.
You do not need to throw the ‘whole baby out with the bath water.’ i.e partner/children/job
How do you want to feel?
How do you want to relationship to be?
Then start feeling and acting in that way.
Remember it is small incremental changes over a long period of time. So, take the time to sit down and get clear on what you really want and then identify what you can do to make space for it. You can find a whole of lot of resources to help you get started on my website www.jessicaterlick.com.au. Share with me in the Lead and Inspire Community either by tagging me on Instagram in a post or story or sharing in one of our Facebook Groups. And if you are not part of the community, come on over to www.jessicaterlick.com.au to find out all our links.
FB and Instagram: @jessica_terlick